Latest story :Blog: Government must deliver for elephants abused for tourists
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Red-listed willow tit breed at Wearside wetland reserve 10th August, 2023Seven red-listed willow tit – the UK’s fastest declining resident bird species – have successfully hatched and fledged at WWT Washington…
Blog: Ocean For All – making the Ocean an inclusive place 4th August, 2023Freyja Thomson-Alberts, National Marine Aquarium & Ocean Conservation Trust, writes about the Trust's valuable Ocean for All programme,…
Boost for threatened species as 17 chicks hatch at London Zoo’s walkthrough aviary 4th August, 2023Social media may have lost its most famous bird recently, but London Zoo has been more than making up for it – with a baby bird boom at its avian…
Endangered red panda family grows with birth of twins at Whipsnade Zoo 3rd August, 2023One-month-old twin red pandas curl up in their cosy nest box at Whipsnade Zoo, as keepers celebrate their birth as part of a European breeding programme…
Chicks give new hope to declining vulture species 3rd August, 2023The hatching of three vulture chicks at the specialist bird of prey charity - the Hawk Conservancy Trust - is a hard-fought win for two of the world’s…
Extremely rare butterfly spotted on Paignton Zoo’s nature trail 2nd August, 2023Paignton Zoo's Clennon Gorge nature reserve has recently witnessed a remarkable event: the appearance of a white admiral butterfly, a species that…
Blog: The WAZA 2023 Animal Welfare Goal - setting A Global Benchmark for Animal Welfare 1st August, 2023Paula Cerdán, Animal Welfare & Conservation Coordinator at WAZA, the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums, tells BIAZA about WAZA’s…
Paignton Zoo building new baboon home based on 30 years of research 28th July, 2023Work on Paignton Zoo’s brand new baboon exhibit has commenced: the zoo’s biggest build project in 15 years. The new exhibit will incorporate…