Latest story :Hertfordshire Zoo's Education Lead, Chris Eley, wins Bird Photographer of the Year Conservation Award 2024
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Conservationists take to sea and air to check wellbeing of Thames seals 8th October, 2024Almost 600 harbour and 3,000 grey seals now call the Thames Estuary home, reveals the latest seal survey by international conservation charity ZSL –…
Celebrating a hidden marine superhero: Wilder Humber’s Festival of Seagrass returns to The Deep this Autumn 8th October, 2024The Deep are pleased to host the third year of the Super Seagrass Festival alongside the Wilder Humber team. A pioneering partnership between Ørsted…
The Deep hits major milestone in native biodiversity recordings 1st October, 2024The Deep has recently hit an incredible 1,000 observations on iNaturalist, an app which encourages its users to upload and share findings from the natural…
UK native species thrive among bears and wolves on fifth anniversary of Bear Wood 1st October, 2024Conservation surveys of the award-winning Bear Wood habitat at Bristol Zoo Project have shown native species such as birds, invertebrates, bats and small…
Extinct in the wild birds raised by London Zoo keepers released into wild for first time in 40 years 27th September, 2024For the first time since the 1980s, six sihek (Guam kingfisher) are now officially living in the wild, in the tropical forests of Palmyra Atoll…
Over 6,000 ‘extinct’ snails return to the wild, with a re-established wild species now confirmed 26th September, 2024A global conservation effort to reintroduce a tiny snail to the wild is celebrating a momentous milestone, as for the first time in 40 years, conservationists…
Colchester Zoo are delighted to be a part of celebrating the 250th anniversary of Colchester Medical Society! 25th September, 2024Colchester Medical Society is the oldest provincial medical society in the country, being established in 1774. This year, to celebrate their 250th anniversary,…
St Andrews Aquarium unveils million pound development plans 24th September, 2024Top Scottish visitor attraction, St Andrews Aquarium has unveiled the most significant development and growth plans in its twenty-five year history, with…