Latest story :Blog: Generation Hope - acting for the planet
17th March, 2023
Zoo Tales Q&A: with author and zookeeper Danni Rae 2nd March, 2023For the final day of BIAZA Zoo Tales (and World Book Day) we spoke to Danni Rae, author and zookeeper at Wellington Zoo. We are also…
Blog: It Still Hurts Doesn’t It? – Storytelling for Conservation Education 1st March, 2023Did you rejoice when Fox, Badger and the other Animals of Farthing Wood finally reached White Deer Park nature reserve? Do you remember the sting of Bambi’s…
Zoo Tales Blog: How I went from zookeeper to children’s book author 1st March, 2023For Zoo Tales week, Lorraine Miller writes about her journey from zookeeping, to authoring children's books like 'The Zookeepers'…
Reading recommendations from BIAZA Members - non-fiction 28th February, 2023In preparation for BIAZA Zoo Tales week, we decided individuals in the BIAZA membership to write in with book recommendations, and here were the results!…
Zoo Tales Q&A: with author & carnivore keeper Colin Northcott 28th February, 2023For BIAZA Zoo Tales week, we interviewed Colin Northcott, from Yorkshire Wildlife Park, who pooled together his decades of zookeeping experiences…
Zoo Tales Q&A: with Lee Durrell 27th February, 2023To commemorate BIAZA Zoo Tales week, we asked Dr Lee Durrell, Honorary Director of the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, about wildlife, reading, zoos,…
Zoo Tales Q&A: the ZSL Library with Ann Sylph 26th February, 2023For Zoo Tales week, we asked Ann Sylph, librarian at the ZSL Library, a series of questions on one of the world's most significant zoological archives...…
Zoo Tales Blog: Gardening for Gorillas – Trials, tricks, and triumphs of a zoo horticulturalist 25th February, 2023For Zoo Tales week, Stephen Butler, Curator of Horticulture at Dublin Zoo, introduces Gardening for Gorillas and the symbiotic significance of plants…