Latest story :Blog: The state of UK nature is a disgrace, but there is hope
28th September, 2023.png?w=600&h=500&zc=1&hash=82d7a91b256949f9cdab7d674d1a4e80)
Blog: Autism, accessibility, and Zoos 4th September, 2023Laur Elizabeth Charleston, Instructor at Reaseheath College, on Autism Awareness, and the ways zoos can become more inclusive and accessible: The…
Setting the Standard - BIAZA Chair, Jamie Christon 31st August, 2023It was way back in May 2021 that the Government published its flagship Action Plan for Animal Welfare, including the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill.…
Blog: Becoming a Sighted Guide at The Deep 22nd August, 2023Lynsey King, Guide at The Deep, on learning about the blind and partially sighted experience with Guide Dogs UK: Deep is a visual…
Blog: Who gives a hoot about sound in the zoo? 15th August, 2023The BIAZA Sound Focus Group, part of the Research Committee, on this often overlooked area of zoo study: Sound is one of the least studied aspects of…
Blog: Government must deliver for elephants abused for tourists 12th August, 2023BIAZA’s Andy Hall writes this World Elephant Day about the need for Governments to work together for the sake of elephants… …
Blog: Ocean For All – making the Ocean an inclusive place 4th August, 2023Freyja Thomson-Alberts, National Marine Aquarium & Ocean Conservation Trust, writes about the Trust's valuable Ocean for All programme,…
Blog: The WAZA 2023 Animal Welfare Goal - setting A Global Benchmark for Animal Welfare 1st August, 2023Paula Cerdán, Animal Welfare & Conservation Coordinator at WAZA, the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums, tells BIAZA about WAZA’s…
Blog: Promoting and Celebrating Zoo Science for a Quarter of a Century 25th July, 2023Paul Rose and Lewis Rowden, from WWT Slimbridge and ZSL respectively, and co-chairs of the BIAZA Research Committee, write about the Committee's milestone…