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30th May, 2023-
Endangered Arrivals Enamour Safari Park 30th May, 2023West Midland Safari Park is experiencing the start of a spring baby boom, welcoming three endangered babies in the space of a week. First to appear, on…
Rare dormice get full health check-up before wild release 26th May, 2023A hazel dormouse having their heart and lung health checked by a ZSL wildlife vet during their quarantine at London Zoo before they are released into…
A brand-new Butterfly House 26th May, 2023The Tropical Butterfly House, Wildlife Conservation Park has opened an exciting new addition, almost thirty years after the first Butterfly House opened…
Birth of world’s rarest fruit bat caught on camera at Jersey Zoo 25th May, 2023For the first time, Jersey Zoo have captured on camera the birth of the world’s rarest fruit bat. The footage was recorded by Curator of Mammals…
UK Kept Animals Bill dropped by Government 25th May, 2023UK Government has today announced Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill will no longer be brought forward. This Bill included the largest legislative changes…
Critically endangered Scottish wildcat kittens born at Highland Wildlife Park 23rd May, 2023Five critically endangered Scottish wildcat kittens have been born at the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland’s (RZSS) Highland Wildlife Park.…
New study shows elephants enjoy the presence of zoo visitors 22nd May, 2023Researchers found significant results regarding elephants, with social activity among the animals increasing, and repetitive behaviours - which often…
West Midland Safari Park's male African elephant moves to Noah's Ark Zoo Farm 10th May, 2023Staff waved goodbye to Sutton on the morning of 9 May, as he started the journey to his new home, ‘Elephant Eden’, a state-of-the-art reserve…